The B-17 DVD
How to Fly the Boeing B-17 in Four Parts (1943, B&W) Amazingly durable and bristling with guns, the B-17 led the charge over Europe. These four very detailed films were produced as a set by for new pilot training by Boeing Aircraft, and are presented in an easy going, pilot-to-pilot format.
This is the complete original 2 hour, four part series -- not an edited summary.
* Part 1:Ground Operations (34:00) Veteran actor Arthur Kennedy ("Lawrence of Arabia") takes a rookie pilot through a complete preflight check, including exterior and interior check. Then, you'll be guided through the instrument clusters, which are visible in detail, to become familiar with key gauges & control systems. Finally, the easy to understand hands on dialogue between instructor and pilot leads you through the complete start up procedure, including control check, engine start, and run up. * Part 2 Flight Operations( 29:00) Part 2 takes up where Part 1 left off with takeoff, flight characteristics and landing. An entertaining animation shows the importance of proper attitude in the B-17 during takeoff, and once again, you'll see a hands on demonstration of the proper use of all instruments and control systems during the flight. * Part 3: Emergency Operations (25:00)This films literally a "hot stove" session where veteran pilots give hands on advice on how to overcome some of their most challenging B-17 emergency situations. You'll learn how to handle dangerous situations like in flight engine fires, CG induced flight instability, stalls, emergency small field takeoffs & landings and more. * Part 4: The Induction system (23:00) Your admiration for the knowledge and skill of Fortress pilots will soar when you learn all about how to manage the B-17s complex and temperamental Turbo Supercharger system. Animations provide a detailed, yet easy to understand, explanation of the theory and practice of the proper operation of the interdependent elements of the big Fort's high altitude breathing system. A gear heads delight! * B-17F 25 Hour Inspection (Produced by Boeing Aircraft) (28:00.1943, B&W ) You'll literally get under the skin of the mighty Fortress as skilled mechanics perform comprehensive 25 hour maintenance and check out of everything from flight control system cables and spark plugs to oil filters and turret operation.
* 109 page Boeing B-17 pilot's manual with photos, systems diagrams, performance charts, flight procedures & more. "You don't really know the inside workings of the Boeing B-17 until you've been through this comprehensive handbook. They reference it many times during the B-17 training films. One of my favorites," -- Zeno Pilot's manual viewable on computer DVD player. Don't have a DVD player on your computer? We can put the manual on a separate CD-ROM that will play on any home computer! (Click here for info,)
Watch "B-17 Flight Proceedures" from our Boeing B-17 DVD
Our DVDs are produced in the NTSC video format for full screen playback on your TV using your home DVD player. NTSC format countries include the United States, Canada, Mexico and Japan. Our DVDs are not "region limited." We have received reports from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Hong Kong and Australia that our DVDs will also play on PAL & SECAM format home DVD players when they are connected to PAL & SECAM standard TVs via video out, s-vhs, component or HDMI connectors. (Do not use the "Antenna" or "cable/coaxial" connection to your TV.) -
DVDs are packaged in clear, indestructible poly cases. -
Our DVDs will play full screen on PC & Mac computers equipped with a DVD player anywhere in the world. Formats like NTSC, PAL & SECAM are not relevant for computer based DVD movie playback. -
Pilot's manuals require a computer DVD player for viewing. Manuals are in the popular Adobe Acrobat ".pdf" format. You probably already have this software installed on your computer. If not, free Acrobat software is included on the DVD. If you don't have a DVD player on your computer, we can put the manual on a separate CD-ROM! (Click here for info,) -
Should you experience a problem with a DVD disc, e-mail Zeno and a replacement will be provided free of charge. Please include the make & model number of your DVD player along with a description of the problem.
