Zeno's Jet Collection - 10 DVDs
Breaker: The B-58 Hustler Story DVD
Volume 1 A pilot once
said of the Convair B-58, "She
looked like she was breaking the sound barrier just sitting on the
tarmac." At Mach 2 +, the B-58 wasn't just one of the fastest
of her day, she was one of the fastest military planes period.
Great B-58 footage shown in
digitally restored video and audio.
* B-58 Bendix Trophy
Race 1962 (Color, 20:00,
1962) On March 5th, 1962, Capt Robert G Sauer & his crew in "Tall
Man 55" took off from Carswell AFB, Fort Worth, Texas to break three
transcontinental speed records in one day, over 4,500 miles --
"Operation Heat Rise." The
starting gate was Los Angeles, where the Hustler topped up her fuel. Along
the way, she slowed briefly again for quick refuels, shown in detail, and reached New York City in just 2 hours & 56 seconds. Then, back to the West Coast, nonstop
in 2hrs 15 minutes. The round trip
was a total of 4 hours 41 minutes, including refueling, and all three
times were transcontinental speed records. * B-58 Low Altitude Bombing Capability (Color, 10:00,
1962) This is is a simulated low level, long range attack launched from
Carswell AFB in Texas against Edwards AFB in California. Much of the
mission is flown at 700 mph and above at ground hugging altitude below
500 feet. The B-58 exhibited exceptional handling characteristics.
Sensational from-the-cockpit views of the Hustler booming along over
mountains and prairie. * The
Bleriot Trophy (Color, 15:00, 1962) In 1930 the French aviation pioneer
established a prize for the first aircraft to average over 2,000 kph for
thirty minutes-- the Louis
Bleriot Speed Trophy. For 30 years, that prize lay unclaimed by any
aircraft. See how B-58 Hustler
"Firefly," commanded by Major Elmer E Murphy, flying near Edwards AFB in
May 1961, took the prize. *
Champion of Champions (Color, 30:00, 1962) Isn't that the
legendary star and war hero James Stewart climbing out of the pilot's
seat of the B-58 that just touched down? "Yup" -- and he's ready
willing and able to give you his first hand impressions of an aircraft
he is obviously has fallen in love with. General Stewart walks you
through the Hustler's virtues and reviews the many records she claimed
in a memorable discussion. * Convair B-58A "Hustler" Flight Manual (268 pages with color Illustrations) See B-58 detailed operating instructions, cockpit photos, systems diagrams, flight characteristics,
emergency procedures and much, much more in Adobe acrobat .pdf file
format. * Convair B-58A "Hustler" Flight Manual Performance
Data (206 pages)
This is the complete B-58 performance appendix, keyed to the Flight
Manual, including detailed charts and data for range, take off &
landing, climb & more in Adobe
acrobat .pdf file format.
Record Breaker: The B-58
Hustler Story DVD Volume 2
More great B-58 Hustler color footage shown in digitally
restored video and audio.
* B-58 Hustler First Test Flight (Color, 18:00, 1956) On Veterans Day, Nov 11th, 1956
Convair's revolutionary delta wing B-58 "Hustler" supersonic bomber took
to the skies for the first time, piloted by B. A, Ericson, who had also
flown the first test flight of the company's giant B-36 "Peacemaker"
intercontinental bomber, several of which can be seen in the background.
You'll see both the low and high speed taxi testing, including front
wheel lift off, that proceeded the B-58's first flight, delivering
excellent footage of the silvery prototype from a number of angles.The
first flight takes the aircraft to Mach .7 at 20,000' and back down
again without a hitch -- and you'll see it all in this memorable color
film * B-58 Hustler: Swift, Capable, Versatile, Operational!
(Color, 13:00,1961) This film report from the US Air Force
on the progress of the B-58 Program was produced by the Convair
Division of General Dynamics in January 1961. Highlights include B-58
crews scrambling from their '58 Chevy to get their Hustler airborne; the
18th Sept, 1959 low level capability demonstration flight from Texas to
California averaging over 600 kts at altitudes below 500', unique film
of a B-58's automatic release of it's weapons pod at Mach 2, at over
50,000'; 43rd Bomb Wing B-58s win SAC's 1960 Combat Competition,
defeating 24 other aircraft in both high & low level bombing
classifications, and the amazing string of speed and altitude records
set at Edwards AFB in January, 1961. Outstanding color B-58 Hustler
footage throughout! *
Airplane 11: The First B-58 Trainer (Color,
6:00,1961) The first
trainer version of the Hustler, the TB-58, was delivered by General
Dynamics to the US Air Force in August, 1960, the first of eight R&D
aircraft (this was "aircraft 11" in the test series) converted for that
purpose. The biggest change involved converting the Bomber/Navigator
station (2nd seat aft) to a pilot/instructors compartment with
instrumentation and controls.Highlights include great footage of the
colorfully painted TB 58 training version in operation, a tour of the
mock up of the converted crew section, and unique in flight footage shot
from inside the aircraft. (A TB-58 pilots manual is included on this
DVD that shows the details of the conversion.) *
Open Road III: B-58 MITO Tests (Color, 17:00,1963) During the
depths of the Cold War, SAC bombers had only 15 to 20-minutes to get
airborne between the launch of enemy missiles and their arrival at US
targets. That meant that the ability get US air forces on their way
quickly and efficiently was absolutely essential for survivability,
striking power and deterrence. A critical element in this quick
response was "MITO" - "Minimum Interval Take-Off." This involved
determining the optimum interval between the launching aircraft to
achieve the fastest possible deployment, while avoiding jet thrust and
wing turbulence from preceding aircraft while allowing an adequate
safety margin in case an individual plane had to abort. In January,
1963, SAC B-58 units conducted a series of tests to determine optimum
MITO for the Hustler for day and night launches, singly and in pairs,
with up to a half dozen B-58s queuing up on the flight line. There's
some beautiful B-58 take-off footage here, shot from many angles,
including overhead helicopter shots of dual launches and afterburners
lighting up the night. * B-58
Ejection System Development (Color,11:00,1962)The B-58 was the
first aircraft capable of operating at sustained supersonic speeds at
very high altitudes. That posed new problems for crew ejection and
survivability. This film, produced by General Dynamics and the US Air
Force, shows the unique challenges in ejecting from the B-56 and
thesolutions that were developed over time. Initially, traditional
ejection seats were used, but he decision was made early on to evolve to
a mini clam shell like ejection "capsule" for each of the three crew
members that could survive both rough terrain and water landings. The
capsule had to take up no more space than a conventional seat and allow
aircraft operation when closed but not ejected during an
emergency.You'll see the program from conception through execution. * Escape and Survive
10:00,1963) Developed by B-58 capsule subcontractor and ejection seat
pioneer Stanley Aviation, this film focuses on the design, manufacture
and testing of the capsule itself. Among several highlights are the
dramatic tests conducted on Hurricane Mesa, Utah. To test ground launch
capabilities, a B-58 forward fuselage with crew compartment was put on a
rocket sled, tracking toward the edge of the 2,000 foot mesa. Ejection
rockets successfully powered the capsules high high over the mesa's
edge to descend on the rocks below.at .pdf file format.* *Convair
TB-58A "Hustler" Flight Manual (82 pages) Rare
supplementary manual for the TB-58A, the training version of the Hustler
with two cockpits in Adobe
The F-86/FJ-2 DVD
to Fly the North American FJ-2 (1953, Color, 35:00) The FJ-2 was the US Navy's
version of the Air Force F-86 Sabre jet. They are identical in almost
all respects.* Part
One: Flight
Capabilities of the FJ-2 Airplane*
Two: FJ-2 Familiarization and Emergency ProceduresSee the FJ-2 put through its paces in these
comprehensive training film. Includes performance information, flight characterisics, flying
tips and info on how to handle tricky emergencies. Excellent views
inside the cockpit in color.*The Fighting 51st (1953, B&W, 34:00) This
revealing documentary was produced by the US Air Force during the
Korean War. You'll see members of all sections of the 'Fighting 51st"
Fighter Group and their F-86 Sabres in action. The film covers a typical
mission, from planning through touchdown. One of the highlights of the
film is an address by Francis "Gabby" Gabreski, legendary World War II
ace and CO of the 51st in Korea. (He's also shown in the briefing room
back in 1944 in "Ramrod to Emden" on our P-47DVD)* We
flew the Mig (1954,
B&W,11:00) In September, 1953, a
North Korean defector handed over the first Russian Mig 15 to fall into
US hands. This was a momentous occasion because the Mig had proven to be
a worthy adversary for the F-86. The Mig was immediately subjected to
comprehensive testing. You'll see Chuck Yeagar and other top test pilots
putting the Mig through it's paces and hear what they learned, along
with a point by point performance comparison with the F-86. Nice footage
of the Mig's armaments too.* "No Sweat" (1953, B&W, 20:00)This film was produced by USAFE, (United
States Air Force, Europe) to cut down on costly air accidents resulting
from pilot error. Seemingly trivial mistakes sometimes led to SNAFUs --
or worse. You'll follow a pilot through what should be an uneventful
hop, but turns into anything but.. The real star of the show is the
featured aircraft, an F-86D -- the all weather version -- which is shown
in considerable detail.* North
American F-86F pilot's manual (438 pages) See F-86 performance charts, detailed operating instructions,
cockpit photos, systems diagrams, weapons
operations, flight characteristics and much, much more. Includes complete performance
Screamin' Banshees: The McDonnell F2H Goes to War
exciting films and F2H Banshee Pilot's Handbook Films on this DVD have received digital color
correction and noise reduction restoration. See the difference* Naval Aerial
Tactics featuring the F2H-2 Banshee (1951, Color,
21:00) Produced by the Navy Department during the Korean War, this
unique film is compelling today for two reasons. First, it features
truly outstanding color footage of F2H-2 Banshee fighters operating
singly and in squadron formation, dancing agilely among towering cumulus
clouds. Second, it opens a fascinating window on US Navy carrier
launched fighter operations and tactics at the time of the Korean War.
The film addresses three main "problems"in areal tactics: intercept,
escort and attack, and defense. Using a combination of live action and
animation, you'll learn about how to optimize your approach angle for a
minimum deflection gun shot when intercepting an intruding bomber (no
air-to-air missiles yet!), various squadron formations to suit
differencing tactical situations, effective combat air patrol operations
for carrier protection, options for escorting bombers to targets,
optimizing fuel consumption in various operations, working effectively
with carrier air controllers, carrier approach and landings, tactics for
attacking enemy formations, and how to avoid stalls during combat, are
just some of the subjects covered in this information packed film. We give it our highest rating for combat
aircraft fans everywhere! * Meet the McDonnell
F2H (1948, B&W, 14;00) Produced by McDonnell aircraft, this
film served as an introduction to their newest jet, the FH2, and details
it's numerous improvements over the companies first jet fighter, the
FH-1 Phantom. You'll get a walk-around of the aircraft and see her doing
spectacular aerobatics. Then you'll get a look inside the McDonnell
assembly line to see FH2 construction and inside a Westinghouse engine
plant to see production and testing of her compact yet powerful J34
axial flow turbojets. Finally, you'll see her high and low speed
performance capabilities, including mock carrier landings and
outstanding single engine performance. * Carrier Action Off Korea (1954, B&W 14:00)
Operating strategically off the Korean coast from the first to last
days of the Korean conflict, aircraft flying off the highly mobile,
invulnerable carriers of the US 7th Fleet provided an irreplaceable
component in United Nations force's offensive and defensive operations.
This film, produced by the Department of the Navy, gives an historical
summary of the role played by carrier forces as told through dramatic,
first person documentary footage of carrier operations and gun camera
film. You'll see McDonnell F2H Banshees, Grumman F9F Panthers, Douglas
AD-1 Sky Raiders and World War II vintage Vought F4Us on the deck, in
the air, and pounding targets. Carrier crews function like well oiled
machines to service and re-arm aircraft. You'll see exciting attacks on
Yalu River bridges, trains, convoys, power plants, Air Group 19 Sky
Raiders unique torpedo attack on the flood gates of the Hwachon Resevoir
and much more. Non stop action! * 44 page McDonnell
FH2-1 "Pilots Handbook" in Adobe
Acrobat .pdf file format with text and two color illustrations,
including flight and systems controls, fuel and electrical systems,
operating instructions, takeoffs and landings, dives, flight
characteristics, gun site controls, emergency procedures, operating
charts, tables and diagrams and much more.
B-52 Superfortresses Go to
Producer's Note: The image quality of these unique films is only fair, but still
very watchable. Where possible, we have digitally
corrected sound and video. We believe you'll agree their outstanding
content make them well worth seeing.
* B-52: Vietnam -
Operations out of U
Tapao Air Base, Thailand (Color, 1968, 40:00) The focus of this
dramatic film is an "Arc Light" bombing mission flown by
Pilot Captain George Dietrich and the crew of B-52 D "075,"
4258th Strategic Wing out of U Tapao, Thailand in support of the
besieged marine base at Khe Sahn in 1968. You'll see every aspect of
the mission from Wing briefing, pre-fight check & takeoff,
through the bomb run and final touch down. But this is much more
than a typical Air Force information film -- it's more like a home
movie. You'll see Capt. Dietrich and his crew relaxing in a grass
hut, sipping PBRs at the end of the runway, shooting the bull &
watching the big Buffs takeoff. 258th CO, Brigadier General Alex W.
Talmant, who flew 100 missions himself, supplies an honest, straight
forward narration that stresses empowering junior officers. At MAC V
headquarters, Saigon, the officer in charge of "Target
Assignments," General Chasaon, gives an informal briefing on the
strategic role played by the B-52 in Vietnam, and in an off the cuff
"on the street " interview, Army Gen William R. Peers,
commander of corps sized I Field Force, delivers high praise
assessing the role played by B-52 Arc Light missions in support of
ground operations. But the real stars of the film are the men of the
4258th. You'll see them up close, going about their business
maintaining and arming the big B-52s along with behind the scenes
glimpses of field operations at U-Tapao. Most memorably, you'll ride
along with Captain Dietrich and his crew in B-52D 075 on their deadly
mission in support of Khe Sahn. This film has a real "you are
there" feel to it and is not to be missed. * B-52 Landing Analysis
(B&W, 13:00,
1965) This instructional film, produced by the US Air Force, is all
about landing the big "Buff." The first part of the film
shows an actual B-52 landing, in the cockpit, step-by-step from
initial in flight approach through landing & shut down. The
second half of the film is a series of "right way-wrong way":
B-52 landings (and how to deal with them) shown from cockpit and field
level, including "nose high," "nose low," "improper
round out," "improper air brake and drag chute application"
and more. * Flight Without a Fin (B&W,
1964, 10:00) This remarkable training film is the result of an
unplanned accident. A B-52H, on loan from the Air Force to Boeing
Aircraft for a series of performance tests, was hit by an
extraordinary 10 second "microburst" of turbulence on a low
level sortie over Colorado that literally ripped off most of its tail
fin.. Luckily for us, camera equipped chase planes happened to be
along to record the mission. Boeing pilot Richard Curry walks us
through the chain of events and explains how he and his crew got the
big, finless bird home safely For the benefit of B-52 pilot's who
may find them-selves is a similar situation, he discusses the general
flight strategy used along with specifics on how to handled the
crippled aircraft.
* Boeing B-52D Flight Manual (1,100 pages)
in printable Adobe Acrobat .pdf file format)
Fitted to carry a maximum conventional bomb load, the B-52D flew the
bulk of strategic bombing missions in the Vietnam War. This very
comprehensive manual with color highlights includes a thorough
description of the aircraft, normal and emergency procedures, operating
limitations, flight characteristics, systems operations, crew duties,
and much more
The Boeing B-47 Stratojet
The Ultimate B-47 Resource!
* Stratojet: Meet Your Boeing B-47
1955, 30:00) Exclusive
Color Correction You'll
see the design, development, and
manufacturing of the B-47. Then you'll follow a crew from SAC's
McConnell Air Force Base (3250 th Combat Crew Training
Wing) on a training mission that simulates a night attack on a target
in the US. There are some great shots of the Stratojet on the ground
and in the air, including night air refueling. You'll also hear crew
dialog as they work through various procedures during the bomb run. * B-47 Combat Maneuvers (Color, 1955,
20:00) Exclusive
Color Correction In 1954 the
Air Force conducted a series of maneuver tests
that showcased the B-47's outstanding agility. Theses tests were
specifically designed to explore the B-47s ability to “toss
bomb.” The aircraft would approach the target low and at high
speed, pull up sharply, open bomb bay doors, use momentum to
literally fling the bomb towards the target and then execute the rest
of a half loop Immelman turn so that they were flying back in the
opposite direction at the top of the loop. This maneuver allowed the
bomber to drop nuclear and high explosive weapons at low altitudes
without danger of blast damage or flying directly over heavily
defended targets. Seeing the big, sleek B-47 execute this maneuver
(and barrel rolls too!) is truly memorable. Cameras located all over
the aircraft give unique views during the test flights. * Boeing B-47A "Stratojet" Flight Handbook (92 pages with color Illustrations) See B-47A (the original production model) detailed operating
instructions, cockpit photos, systems
diagrams, flight characteristics, emergency procedures and much, more
in Adobe acrobat .pdf file format *
Boeing TB-478B "Stratojet" Flight Manual (780 pages with color
illustrations) Flight Manual for
the TB-47B, the training version of the B-47B. In addition to flight
procedures. Includes the complete performance index.in Adobe Acrobat .pdf file format
Republic F-105 Thunderchiefs Go to War DVD Three color films and F-105 Fighter/Bomber Flight Handbook
* There
is a Way: The
421st Squadron Fighting Cavaliers and their F-105 Thunderchiefs.
(Color, 1966, 55:00) Digitally restored color Without doubt this is
the best documentary showing an Air Force unit from the Vietnam War.
Filmed in November, 1966, this up close and personal look at the
421st Sq, 388th TFW has everything from exciting footage of a bombing
raid on Hanoi, dodging SAMs and fighting Migs, to feverish overnight
activity to repair and rearm the big "Thuds"at their base
at Korat,
Best of all, its told through spontaneous interviews and open mics
that capture air combat radio chatter, after mission pilot stories,
and conversations with everyone from the base commander to pilots and
mechanics. You'll see mission briefings and after action intelligence
debriefings. Veteran pilots coach newbies on fighter tactics. The
maintenance chief talks about the Thuds reliability. A pilot's best
day: knocking out four SAM sites on a "Wild Weasel"
mission. The squadron gets together after hours to celebrate a young
Lieutenant's 100th mission. An amazing time capsule! * The
Twenty Five Hour Day: A story of Air Force F-105s (Color,
1967, 28:00) This film, produced by Fairchild-Hiller-Republic for the
US Air Force, offers a unique look inside F-105 “Thunderchief”
fighter-bomber operations when the air campaign against North
Vietnamese supply lines was ramping up into to high gear. Secretary
of State Robert McNamara gives the broad outline of the Thud's
primary mission in a series of strategic briefings: to strangle the
Ho Chi Minh Trail, the strategic supply line from North to South
Vietnam, through Cambodia and Laos, that was showing a quantum
increase in activity and importance. You'll see exciting color
footage of F-105s and other aircraft hitting bridges, supply depots
convoys and other key targets along the Trail, and carrying out
tactical operations in the South in conjunction with air mobile
units. You'll see F -105 mission briefings, base operations, midair
refueling, maintenance, and up close scenes of everyday pilot life on
an extremely active forward base, working “Twenty-Five Hour Days.” * Faces
of Rescue (Color,1967, 25:00) F-105 flight leader Lt. James Devoss tells the
dramatic story of his rescue from enemy held territory. You'll hear
the story of his mission from takeoff to pickup by a "Jolly
Green Giant" after being shot down, including actual footage of
his rescue. You'll also see all aspects of "search and rescue"
operation that saved so many lives in Vietnam.
* * Flight Manual for the USAF Series F-105 Series D, F and G 'Thunderchief” all-weather fighter bomber. Over 800 pages of information
in Adobe Acrobat,pdf file format on normal and emergency flight
procedures, operating limitations, flight characteristics and the full
performance index. You'll see detailed info on all control panels,
instruments, fuel, hydraulic, electronic, computer, radar, ejection,
communications, engine, weapons systems and much more. Charts, diagrams,
indexes in black and white and color. “Everything you ever wanted to
know about the Thud!” Zeno
X-Planes and Test Pilots (Sound & Video Digitally Restored)
* Profile of a Flight Test Pilot (1945, B&W, 30:00) This film was
developed by personnel at the Army Air Corps top secret Wright Field
flight test facility during World War 2 to give pilots the low down on
what to expect if they joined their aircraft testing program. As such,
the film is both very informative and interesting, with plenty of info
about flight testing at that time, including
climb, level flight, take off and landing, test instruments, and pilot
responsabilities. But, there is much more.
You also get a look behind the
curtain at Wright Field at some of the rarest and most bizarre aircraft
produced during
World War II, including one-off prototypes. You'll see a Bell P-63
Kingcobra doing aerobatic spin & stall tests, a Bell P-59 Airacomet
jet fighter, a Plat-LePage XR-1A twin rotor helicopter, a tiny Bell
XP-77 fighter, a Curtiss XP-60C with contra-rotating props, a weird
hybrid B24/B-17, a beautiful 20-mm canon equipped test P-51A from the
first Mustang production run, captured enemy aircraft,and more. This
film is a real gem and beautifully preserved. * Research Test of Convair Model
7002/XF92A Airplane at U.S. Air Force Test Base Muroc, California (1948, COLOR,
10:00) From the description
at the US Air Force Museum web site: "This airplane was the
world's first jet aircraft
to fly using the radical delta-wing configuration pioneered by
Germany's Dr. Alexander Lippisch during the 1930s. The Convair
Model 7002 was completed in 1948 as a flying mock-up for the proposed
delta wing XP-92 interceptor. (In 1948 the Air Force changed the
designation from P for pursuit to F for fighter.) The Model 7002 was
designed to investigate
delta wing behavior at low and high subsonic speeds. The 7002
initially powered by an Allison J33-A-23 turbojet engine and later the
J33-A-29 turbojet with afterburner. It was formally delivered to the
USAF on May 14, 1949, and named the XF-92. It was flown by Air Force
test pilots until its nose gear collapsed on landing on Oct. 14, 1953,
ending its flying career. With the experience gained from the XF-92
program, Convair was able to win the competition for the "1954
Interceptor" program and to build the successful delta-wing F-102 Only
one XF-92A was built; it was delivered to the Air Force Museum in 1969
from the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn." This rare color
film shows the 7002 being tested by Consolidated (later Convair) in 1948
at the Muroc Test Base in California, (later Edwards Air Force Base).
Surely there is no more Godforsaken spot on the face of the Lower 48!
It's hard to imagine a more influential aircraft, as the delta wing was
not only adopted in the Convair's F-102 and B-58, but also in a long
series of other US, British, French, and Russian designs. Charts shown
in the film do a good job of illustrating the many virtues of the 60
degree delta wing. *
X-15 (1959, COLOR, 27:00) This documentary
was produced by North American Aviation to show the development of the
X-15 rocket plane. The legendary test pilot,
Scott Crossfield, is at the controls. The test site is once again Edwards Air Force
Base. There is beautiful color footage of X-15 flights here as well as
scenes from support, development and construction. The film also gives
background for the X-Plane program, going to the Bell X-1. The purpose built X-15
experimental aircraft broke speed and altitude records almost every time
it flew. If ever there was an aircraft where form followed function,
the X-15 was it! Fans of the "Right Stuff" will remember that the X-15
arguably entered Space before the astronauts of the Apollo missile
program. ("Spam in a can!") * X-15
1961 Annual Report (1961, COLOR, 18:00) The X-15 program really takes off in a record
breaking year with Joe Walker, Scott Crossfield, Niel Armstrong and other
legendary test pilots at the controls, soaring past Mach 3. Two planes
are used for flight and engine testing -- there's an amazing scene of a
walk away explosion. More remarkable color footage of the series of
test flights and a couple of wonderful post mission debriefings by Scott
Bombers: The Northrop YB-49 "Flying Wing" and the North
American XB-70A "Valkyrie" Four
films and two flight manuals on one DVD*
Initial Flight of the YB-49 (1948, B&W, 5:15) This film was
by the US Air Force and Northrop to show the first test flights of the
YB-49 Flying Wing at Northrop' s Hawthorne, California
facility, introducing it to the American public for the first time.
The YB-49 was a redesign of the propeller driven B-35, upgraded with
six GE Allison jet engines and various structural design improvements
(see the description below for more info). The revolutionary design
and almost other worldly, alien spacecraft-like lines of the jet
powered Wing are highlighted in this very clean black and white
footage. This aircraft is revealingly shown at all angles, including
up close on the ground and in flight. *
The Story of the Flying Wing (1949, Color, 24:00) It may be hard to
believe today, but Flying Wing's innovative design was
often used against it by detractors from competing
aircraft companies ("An airplane that doesn't have a tail??!!")
So, Northrop Aircraft produced this information film to extol the
Wings virtues and answer her critics. The result is a film that gives
a compelling overview of the principles of advantages of the Wing
design, delivered by Northrop's Director of Engineering, Harrison F.
Burke. You'll see color film of the jet powered Wing in operation,
supplemented by an extensive use of instructive animations. You'll
learn about the role of drag in flight in relation to efficiency in
aircraft design, the advantages of a swept wing, the inherent
advantages in structural integrity of the Wing design, simplicity
and ease of maintenance, the role of center of gravity in tail design
and much more. *
XB-70 Valkyrie Flight Test Program (1966, Color, 13:00) This film,
produced by North American Aviation, gives a concise overview of the
early phases of the XB-70A aircraft design, construction,
development and testing in 1964. You'll see Phase one & two flight
and "proof loading" structural tests. The use and testing
of "folded wing tips" and retraction of the "windshield
ramp"in supersonic flight is shown in detail along with the
innovative air induction system. On 14 October
1965, the Valkyrie broke
the Mach 3 barrier. The extensive use of flight test instrumentation in
program is also discussed. *
XB-70A Valkyrie: Phase One Flight Testing (1966, Color, 26:00) The critical first
flight tests of the XB-70A over 34 days at Edwards AFB are shown in
detail culminating in the aircraft's first supersonic flight (with an
B-58 Hustler chase plane!). As might be expected, these early f
lights included some dramatic moments, including an in flight engine
flame out and one of the landing gear bursting into flames during
touch down. But, as mission chief test pilot Col Al White says, "if
there were no problems during testing, you wouldn't need test pilots
or test flights." You'll see the unflappable Col White and copilot
Col Joe Cotton work the sleek Valkyrie through a series of crtical
including landing gear, flaps, flight controls, advanced
hydraulic systems, first deployment of the folding wing tips and
more. A highlight of the film is a press conference/debriefing by
the XB-70 test flight team. As you'll see, there's nothing
"routine" about testing a revolutionary and extremely
complex aircraft like the XB-70A Valkyrie. * Flight
Handbook for the Northrop YB-49 Airplane (77 pages) See detailed
operating instructions, copious illustrations, cockpit photos,
systems diagrams, flight characteristics, emergency procedures and
much more in Adobe acrobat .pdf file format. * North
American XB-70A "Valkyrie" Flight Manual (380 pages ) See XB70A
operating instructions, cockpit photos, systems diagrams, flight
characteristics, emergency procedures, performance charts and more in
Adobe Acrobat .pdf file format.
The Airstrike Vietnam DVD Five color films and three F4C-D-E Phantom Fighter Technical Manuals
C 2011 Military Art's Pictures All rights reserved Exclusive -- We "color corrected" these films You can see the difference
* The United States Air Force in Vietnam (1967,Color,27:00)
This wide ranging video covers the rapid expansion of the US Air
Force's roll in the Vietnam War in the mid 1960s. Bases are set up at
Cam Ran Bay, Phan Rang, Bien Hoa and other sites. A wide range of
aircraft are shown in action including F-100 Super Sabres, F4 Phantoms,
F-104 Star Fighters, F-102 Delta Daggers, F-105 Thunder Chiefs, A-1
Skyraiders, B-52 and B-57 bombers and more. There's exciting combat
footage throughout the film showing air strikes over both South and
North Vietnam. Meet the aircraft and the men who flew and maintained them. You'll
get a detailed view of the command structure and mission planning,
including a look inside revolutionary airborne command and control
centers that managed battles thousands of feet above the jungle. Covers
vital air transport, SARs, and FAC operations and much more. * The Twenty Five Hour Day: A story of Air Force F-105s (1966,Color,
28:00) This film, produced by Fairchild-Hiller-Republic for the US Air
Force, offers a unique look inside F-105 “Thunderchief” ("The
Thud!”) fighter-bomber operations when the air campaign against North
Vietnamese supply lines was ramping up into to high gear. Secretary of
State Robert McNamara gives the broad outline of the Thud's primary
mission in a series of strategic briefings: to strangle the Ho Chi Minh
Trail, the strategic supply line from North to South Vietnam, through
Cambodia and Laos, that was showing a quantum increase in activity and
importance. You'll see exciting color footage of F-105s, F-4s, F-100s
and other aircraft hitting bridges, supply depots convoys and other key
targets along the Trail, and carrying out tactical operations in the
South in conjunction with air mobile units. You'll see F -105 mission
briefings, base operations, midair refueling, maintenance, and up close
scenes of everyday pilot life on an extremely active forward base,
working “Twenty-Five Hour Days.” * FAC F-100 Supports US Army (1967,Color,4:00) This short film is a real gem. You'll see an Air Force Forward Air Controller (FAC) assigned to the 1st
Division, flying a tiny Cessna O-1E “Bird Dog” and operating in
conjunction with three F-100 fighter bombers out of Phan Rang and local
Army Artillery. Their mission is in support 3rd
Brigade operations against VC bases near Lai Khe, 50 miles from Saigon.
Specifically, to “prep” an LZ so chopper borne troops could land and
conduct offensive operations. You'll see spectacular color footage of
the Bird Dog operating in tandem with the F-100s, striking at very low
altitudes, followed closely by a Huey assault. The importance of FAC air
operations in the Vietnam War cannot be overstated. Pilots flew the
equivalent of vulnerable paper airplanes within rifle shot of the enemy
to coordinate air and artillery strikes and the rescue of downed pilots. *Air Power at Khe Sanh (1967,Color,15:00)
During the Spring and Summer of 1967, North Vietnamese commander
General Giap targeted III Marine Amphibious Force and South Vietnamese
Army units stationed in and around Khe Sanh, in Northwestern Quang Tri
province, with 2-3 NVA divisions. His goal was to create a second Dien
Bien Phu by destroying the base and dealing the US a psychological knock
out blow like he had to the French 13 years before. Khe Sanh was
besieged for 77 days by a series of desperate attacks. You'll see
dramatic low level airstikes against enemy forces almost on top of
besieged US Marines, part of Operation Niagara, the coordinated aerial
defense of the base. Marines fight back, despite a devastating enemy
artillery barrage. C-130s fly in vital supplies in the face of heavy
ground fire. You'll see a revolutionary flying command post coordinating
air operations, using the latest high tech equipment to deal heavy
blows against enemy troop concentrations that helped neutralize Giap's
offensive. * Tactical Air Power
(1967, Color 20:00) This film, produced by the US Air Force's Military
Airlift Command, gives an overview of US tactical air operations and
doctrine, circa1967, with an emphasis on the ongoing Vietnam War. You'll
see Air Force, Navy, and Marine aircraft, including F4s, F-100s, F105s
and conducting dramatic airstrikes and the introduction of the new
F-111”swing wing” bomber. C-130 cargo operations are shown in detail,
including very low level air drops, resupply under fire and worldwide
refugee relief. * Three F4 Phantom Technical Manuals:
Flight Manual (343 pages), Performance Data Manual (416 pages), and Air
Crew Weapons Delivery Manual (Non-Nuclear, 674 pages) for the McDonnell
USAF Series F-4 Series C, D, E "Phantom” Aircraft in
Adobe Acrobat,pdf file format You'll see detailed info on all control
panels, instruments, fuel, hydraulic, electronic, computer, radar,
ejection, communications, engine, weapons systems and much more. Charts,
diagrams, indexes in black and white and color. “Everything you ever
wanted to know about the Phantom!” Zeno
Pilot's manuals are in the popular Adobe Acrobat file format (software included) and are viewable on
a computer DVD
Our DVDs are produced in the NTSC video format for full screen playback on your TV using your home DVD player. NTSC format countries include the United States, Canada, Mexico and Japan. Our DVDs are not "region limited." We have received reports from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Hong Kong and Australia that our DVDs will also play on PAL & SECAM format home DVD players when they are connected to PAL & SECAM standard TVs via video out, s-vhs, component or HDMI connectors. (Do not use the "Antenna" or "cable/coaxial" connection to your TV.) DVDs are packaged in clear, indestructible poly cases. Our DVDs will play full screen on PC & Mac computers equipped with a DVD player anywhere in the world. Formats like NTSC, PAL & SECAM are not relevant for computer based DVD movie playback. Pilot's manuals require a computer DVD player for viewing. Manuals are in the popular Adobe Acrobat ".pdf" format. You probably already have this software installed on your computer. If not, free Acrobat software is included on the DVD. Should you experience a problem with a DVD disc, e-mail Zeno and a replacement will be provided free of charge. Please include the make & model number of your DVD player along with a description of the problem.
